Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fiction 55

7:55 a.m,

I woke up and came downstairs.skimmed through the daily until i saw "IT giant cognizant plans to buy microsoft".Rushed to the front page its dated 5may 2055. As i kept staring my mom placed a bowl and demanded to have my breakfast.The bowl just had two red capsules :( .

Alarm blared...
7.55 a.m
P.s : Pls dont throw shoes for the cognizant thing.Its just an fiction :)


  1. cognizant buys Microsoft!!! tat must be a wild dream.. :D

  2. My wildest dream will features never ever feature something to do with my job or work !!

    damn do you guys think of just work and office all the time ???

    its really shocking to know this :P

  3. @eddie
    very wild indeed!!

    he he... since cogni is ma dream comp it always scares me in ma dreams...!!!:D

  4. Down Stairs,,,,,?????(hmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)

    That too 7:55am


  5. hey! nice one! i'm always fascinated by 55 fictions :)
